I am Partner to professionals that have high standards of accountability and character. B'Cause It Takes A Village, LLC represents conscientious partners that fit a very strict set of guidelines and requirements.
It is important to me that I represent only the best and serve the best.
This approach assures long-lasting relationships and creates villages.
Maternity Care
Overnight Care
24 Hour Care
Temporary Care
24/7 Backup Care
On Call Sick Care
Long Term
Short Term
Vacation Care
Summer Care
Date Night Care
Mother's Helper
Afterschool Care
Virtual School Assistant
Event/Wedding Care
Hotel/Vacation Care
Travel Nanny Care
Spa Day Care
Parents Getaway Care

BITAV, LLC's screening approach is just as individual as our service approach.
Each Candidate starts out with a pre screen phone interview with Lisa, our Owner/Operator A multiple reference check is performed.
Candidates are offered a full application only if the first two criteria are met.
Candidates have a 6-7 point background check performed. After Candidates pass the background check, they are invited for an in-person interview.
Candidates are offered a Partnership and orientation.

New Client Families
Once registered, you can expect a phone call or email response within a 24-hour time frame.
Once it is determined that we are a good fit for your needs, we begin the search and match process.
BITAV, LLC has In-Network Partners and Out of Network Partners.
We establish our next update before the end of each communication. Feel free to reach out anytime in between.
Established Client Families
As part of Our Village, you are able to email and text requests as needed 24 hours a day. All requests after 12 am will be responded to by 6 am.

Village Access
As a part of our Village, you now have access to the most highly qualified partners, in any area of service that you require... for your life!
{ Welcome To The Village }
Get Registered At No Cost
To Determine If We Are A Good Fit
And Able to Meet Your Needs.